Almond 'Texas Mission'
Prunus dulcis
Bareroot or #10
The Texas Mission almond is a small, pretty tree with spreading, rounded canopy, and long, narrow, dark green leaves. Spring brings beautiful pinkish-white flowers followed by green fruit that turns into brown shells containing almonds; medium-sized and flavourful. It prefers deep, well-drained soils and long, rainless, hot summers with low humidity. The almonds are harvested in late summer to early fall.
Grows 10-15 ft
Soil: pH 6.0-7.0; (slightly acidic) Handles a variety of soil types, including clay and loamy soils. Prefers moderate drainage.
Exposure: Full Sun
USDA Hardiness: 7
Pollination: Semi-self pollinating. Produces more with another close-by